Teachers on the Move2017-01-12T11:59:27+00:00

About Teachers on the Move

Partnership between Střední zdravotnická škola a Vyšší odborná škola zdravotnická, Liberec, Kostelní 9, příspěvková organizace, Liberec, Czech Republic and Fjölbrautarskólinn í Breiðholti – FB -College, Reykjavík, Iceland

Programme CZ07 – EEA Scholarship Programme; Bilateral Scholarship Programme.

„Teacher on the move“
PowerPoint Presentation


  • will enable job shadowing for 4 partner participants for 7 days ( one partner during autumn 2015 and one partner during spring 2016) – 2 teachers of nursing, 1 person from school management staff and 1 international coordinator
  • will support partner with organization of partners´ stay
  • will prepare scheduled programme activities
  • will realize activities stated in the schedule:
    Four Icelandic and four Czech participants will shadow their partner colleagues during their everyday school tasks at school and also outside the school – e.g. hospital training, excursions. They will discuss the course of daily duties, the teaching load, materials used in lessons, keeping records, will observe using different methods, using ICT, students´ motivation, their evaluation and criteria for certification, setting assignments, teaching facilities, curriculum, school year planning, international cooperation with similar institutions, possibilities of international projects, qualification of teachers etc. Icelandic participants will be introduced to the IRS (Integrated Rescue System) facilities (emergency units) – they will attend the airport to observe the rescue helicopter, they will go to the fire rescue station and to central dispatching of IRS.

Our Travel Story

9. nóvember 2015

Endi ferðarinnar

9. nóvember 2015|

Laugardagurinn 7. nóvember: Hér gafst hópnum kostur á því að skoða hina fögru og sögufrægu borg Prag. Sunnudagurinn 8. nóvember: Haldið heim með millilendingu í Berlín. Fróðleg og ánægjuleg ferð.

Föstudagurinn 6. nóvember

6. nóvember 2015|

Fengum leiðsögn um kastala í nágrenni Liberec, gengum svo um mjög fallegt útisvæði sem þar er. Að því loknu var farið í Czech Paradise, þar var of mikil þoka og of lítill tími til að [...]

Fimmtudagurinn 5. nóvember

5. nóvember 2015|

Hittum tékknesku konurnar klukkan 8:45 fyrir utan skólann og fórum með þeim og nemendum skólans á æfingu sem haldin var í næsta bæ, Jablonec nad Nisou,í yfirgefnu sjúkrahúsi. Þar var lögreglan ásamt sjúkra- og björgunarliði [...]

Miðvikudagurinn 4. nóvember

4. nóvember 2015|

Ágústa Unnur átti fund með fjármálastjóra og gjaldkera tékkneska skólans og farið var yfir fjármálin og hvernig skipulagi varðandi þau skuli háttað á meðan á verkefninu stendur. Skömmu síðar héldum við Íslandskynningu fyrir tékknesku nemana. [...]

Þriðjudagurinn 3. nóvember

3. nóvember 2015|

Lagt af stað kl. 7:45 í lobbýinu á hótelinu að sjúkrahúsi bæjarings. Þar var sýnikennsla fyrir sjúkraliðanema og þar fengu nemendur um skurðaðgerðir eins og botlangaskurðaðgerð og horfðum á sýnikennslu og einnig var boðið upp [...]

Mánudagurinn 2.nóvember

2. nóvember 2015|

Tókum daginn snemma, skoðuðum okkur um í Prag, sáum klukkuna á Old Town Square slá 11 og gengum svo yfir Karlsbrú upp í Kastalann. Fengum okkur hádegisverð á leiðinni. Þá var haldið af stað til [...]

Fjölbrautarskólinn í Breiðholti – FB College

FB was established in 1975 and was the first community college of its kind in Iceland. The college is divided into two schools; a normal day school for pupils who are between 16 and 20 years old of age and an evening school for adults. The number of students in the day school in the day school is about 1000 and about 400 in the evening school. The college is one of the largest secondary schools in Iceland with staff of 110 teachers. The pupils who enter the college at the age of 16 have completed 10 years of primary education with a final centralized states examination in Icelandic, English and mathematics and final school examinations in various other subjects., Final graduation from this college after four years as well as other such colleges or secondary grammar universities and other institutes of higher learning both in Europe and USA. In addition to preparing pupils for various academic studies at university level, this college offers qualifications in specialized branches of vocational learning, Licensed practical nursing (3 years), beautician, carpenter, electrician (3 years) the last four being recognized and confirmed by the State.

Since 1997 FB co-operates with several countries and has taken part in many EU activities with Leonardo, Comenius and Nordplus. Breiðholt College has taken part in VETPRO projects with student and staff exchanges and motilities. For several years now we are welcoming a group of students and teachers from all over Europe. For students who participate in mobility’s the school also offers cultural programmes and brings them together with Icelandic tutoring students. We also provide tutoring and follow up certification and organisation of cultural and professional activities. We provide assistance of finding accommodation and help with organisation of local transports. In the last two Euroskills national competitions our students have done very well in all four trades, receiving Gold, Silver and Bronze. During the new project period, we want to enhance the quality of our projects.

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